Tuesday 16 March 2010

Tracking and animating

Well, I've been getting lazy with my blog again, but that doesn't mean I've not been doing anything. After starting the year out on a dry spell, I've suddenly been hit from all directions with a nice array of varying jobs. Here's a little peek at one of the projects I've been working on recently.

First of all, here are some assets I've been creating to animate in after effects (I say animate, but it won't really be much more than moving them around like paper cut-outs).

Pretty basic stuff but I was looking to do it in a stylised way, and the final product should be pretty slick.

The other thing I'm uploading today is a quick test shot I did. This video will be made up of live-action footage that will segueway into animation. This will happen by having the camera fly into a map on the office wall. The problem we had was that the map was to be created by me after the live-action footage had been shot. To get around this, I asked the director to put some tracking markers on the wall the map would be on, so I could simply add the map later. This is a quick shot to test out the tracking, and to also see how well the HD footage holds up when we do a zoom in post. The motion of the camera seems to cover the fake zoom to some extent but the main thing is that the shot doesn't pixelate. Which is nice.

I've added a before and after comparison below, to show where I removed some of the markers and plonked the map in (this isn't the map that'll be used, it's just a placeholder).

It's a very rough shot, like I said, but I'm looking forward to seeing how the final thing turns out.

That's your lot for now. Back soon with more goodies.

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